目前分類:OKEA遊學生心得分享 (7)

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I’m Drew, I was an engineer before I went to Philippine. After this travel, I think I do a correct decision that is quit the job and go to Philippine to study English. I have been to OKEA which locate in Bacolod for 12 weeks.


At first, I thought Philippine is not clean and public security is not good, but ever since I been there, I love this country and city. Bacolod is a good city, and there is good weather and good residents. The foods and beverages are cheap. OKEA also is a clean and wide campus. I can really take rest and relax like have a vacation at there.



Teachers in OKEA are kind and friendly. They have good education, pronunciation, and personality. They are patiently, no matter your English skill is good or not, they teach you well and carefully. They not only teach you, but also make friend with you. If you have any problems in Philippine, they also can answer you and help you. For instance, traveling at weekends, finding good restaurants, etc...

Based on these reasons, I have a good memory in Philippine.

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There are many courses that you can choose.

Even though I didn’t choose the TOEIC class, I still improve my English and TOEIC score, especially at talking skills. Now, I can make a small talk with foreigner easily.

I think that was my biggest reward.


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今年七月,選擇了位在菲律賓巴科羅城市的OK English Academy 學習英文,學校的環境很好,附近有很棒的餐廳,學校的老師也都非常有善,不會因為你的英文程度高低而有所改變,他們總是會配合你到最後。只要我有遇到什麼問題都會去辦公室解決,因為那裡的人都非常的善良,都會幫你解決,寢室也非常的棒,我是覺得床很好睡啦,還有阿姨會定期幫你打掃很棒。我也在學校認識到很多的新朋友,這裡的環境讓我的交友圈更廣闊,對以後應該也會有幫助,我很感謝在學校幫助過我的人,協助我渡過遇到的難題,我很想念學校的環境,因為非常的舒適,未來有機會一定會再去一次。


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還記得當時抱著惴惴不安的心情搭機前往OK English Academy,對於菲律賓的想像盡是灰暗的環境與危險的治安。但真正到了Bacolod之後,才開始認識到自己對於菲律賓的偏見錯得離譜,在OKEA的日子,不僅可以沉溺在全英語環境中,還能在閒暇之餘出外接觸友善的人民,更能在假期享受遊樂園、森林遊樂區、熱帶島嶼等各式各樣的戶外活動,至今仍令我念念不忘。


        說起來,我對於OKEA印象最深刻的,是老師們都相當富有熱忱,不僅細心並耐心地指導教學,甚至下課了也還是樂於為學生解惑與談天;而校園五臟俱全、生活機能完備,讓我們可以好好學習,不必擔心生活瑣事,也是讓我非常想再回去上課的理由之一。我認為在OKEA學習英語,一個非常大的優點是有足夠的空間可以自己安排計畫,畢竟每個人到菲律賓上課的需求與接受度不同,學習的彈性與日常休閒的調配依人而定,可以自己試著取得平衡。以我為例,我非常喜歡當時自己可以在早上八點至中午十二點、下午一點至五點這八個小時內,選擇六個小時的時段上課,並在下課後到同在校園內的拳擊教室運動,或者在校門外的大停車場跑跑步,晚上便能參加夜間團體課程,以及待在學校的K Room自己念書、背單字等。






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I decided to go to the Philippines study English because I wanted to travel to other countries on my own. Remember when I just got off the plane, my God! The weather here is really hot. The school mainly provides accommodation and meals, but the Individual of prefer to take one-on-one courses and learn more speaking skills . In class, teachers always use talking to practice more words and grammars.



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OKEA is my first school in Philippines.

First time, when I arrived in OKEA, I felt disappointed. But after I stared my lesson, I know I were wrong. The life in here was very interesting. All teachers treated me like their baby. Teachers are always worried about our life, they do their best to help us.

My toeic score was only 180 point in Philippines, but I have got my score 605 point from the official test after back to Taiwan.

 You will not only improve your English here, but also can get a lot of friends

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My name is Laura. I’m from Taiwan. I have stayed in OKEA for almost 4 months. I can still remember the first day I came there, the weather was hot, just like my last day and so is the feeling in my heart. I feel passionate.


First of all, I want to thank my tutors for teaching me wholeheartedly and motivating me to enjoy and learn English happily. I always expect to see my tutors every day! Next, I like this city – Bacolod and stay in OKEA because it was very fulfilling every day. I went to class in the morning and after class, I exercised. Then I ate dinner and attended night class. I just relaxed and went out on weekends. I also used the opportunity to talk with my foreign classmates. Therefore, I have so many incredible memories with my tutors and my foreign friends. I am definitely very thankful to everyone who made my stay memorable.

All in all, I am very honored I can study in OK English Academy and recommend that you must come to study in Philippines too!

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